Living to Love or Loving to Live

When did the search for love become the new epidemic the new incurable disease that compromise's women's morality and religious beliefs. The disease that imprisons and sentences women to life without the possibility of ever knowing their worth.

 Why do we as women chose to trade in the "Who we are" for the "Who did I allow myself to become". 

We often choose to lower our standards in order to become an object of attraction. The absence of a father in the home obligates single mothers to toggle between roles. Not ever being able to illustrate or personally experience what a mans traits and characteristics are. We set out into the world willing to accept anything from a man because all of our examples have been impostors. This is factual however we as women have to do better.

We have to heighten our standards, by first educating ourselves, about ourselves. If you are unaware of who you are and what you are how can you expect someone else to know these things about you? If you aren't in love with yourself how can you expect anyone else to be in love with you? Women please take time to explore the ESSENCE of YOUR BEING. Let this be the first thing you do before you sought out a man. In my experience men treat you how you treat yourself, for example if a man can get a tour of your temple before he even knows if your hair belongs to you or a woman from India, you need to invest in some self exploration, in order to understand your significance.

Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.
Benjamin Franklin

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

-- R. Ambition